Ed Zuker, Founder and CEO of Chestnut Hill Realty, is a founding board member and treasurer along with Eleanor White, Clerk and Barry Bluestone, Chair of the Board of Directors of Housing Forward-MA, a nonprofit housing advocacy group. Led by Josh Zakim, the Executive Director and former Boston City Councilor. The mission of Housing Forward-MA is to be a resource for pro-housing organizations and advocates by providing training, education and “research-backed” state- and local-level model policy proposals that help encourage the production of housing including affordable, transit-oriented and workforce housing.
“The Greater Boston area has become a business hub and, increasingly, an economic powerhouse. However, with the desirability of living here has come a shortage of housing, which can hamper and discourage future growth,” said Ed. “Now, perhaps more than any other time, it is vitally important to be proactive about creating state and local policies that encourage the production of housing that is more affordable and accessible to public transportation and major transportation arteries. I’m feeling very confident about the experience and know-how of the team being assembled to tackle these issues in assisting the policy makers with information and helping to educate advocates in the permitting process.”